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Health and Safety Management Systems (HSMS)

We support you in integrating health and safety objectives into your business processes

It is now well established that most occupational accidents and illnesses are due to organisational reasons. For this reason, in order to ensure effective prevention in the workplace, it is essential that companies equip themselves with an organisational system that allows effective management of all business processes that have an impact on occupational health and safety.

In response to this need, SIGE's offers a suite of specialised services aimed at designing, implementing and verifying the functioning of corporate occupational health and safety management systems, as well as assisting with certification.

Management systems for health and safety at work (SGSL)

A Safety at Work Management System (SGSL) is a company organisational system, the adoption of which is voluntary, aimed at monitoring the company's health and safety at work performance through the optimisation of organisational processes.

The benefits of adopting an SGSL are many:

  • Improving health and safety standards for workers
  • Improving business efficiency
  • Reduction of costs resulting from accidents, injuries and occupational diseases
  • Reduction of INAIL insurance costs (following certification)
  • Improving the organisation's internal and external image
  • It can be considered a requirement or a bonus when awarding contracts
  • Availability of non-repayable funding for those implementing and applying a SGSL

The reference regulatory framework is Article 30 of Legislative Decree 81/08 (governing SGSLs), which is complemented by the UNI ISO 45001/2018 standards and the ILO-OSH 2001 Guidelines.

The perspective offered by the legislation suggests a desire to create a culture of prevention, based on a systemic approach to managing occupational health and safety (OSH). In this context, an activity that analyses and anticipates possible risks and identifies operational and organisational processes aimed at minimising their impact becomes crucial.

The implementation of and compliance with OSH requirements, provided for by law and national regulations, are the responsibility of employers.
SIGE offers support and assistance both in the design phase of the management system and in the documentation phase. It is essential to understand the regulatory framework (including regional laws) and assess the company's compliance, as well as any necessary corrective actions.

SIGE also assists the company in personnel training and in the path towards management system certification (managed by an independent third party), supporting the customer also in the certification maintenance phase.

For further details about the service, you can contact us by phone or fill in the form on the contact page.

What we offer

SIGE assistance is developed according to the following steps:
  • Examination of existing company documentation.
    Organigrams, job descriptions, risk assessment documents, company procedures, appoint-ments and proxies are critically examined in order to be subsequently used in the design of the system.

  • Regulatory framework
    All national and regional laws, European regulations, applicable municipal regulations, autho-risation measures, and resolutions of the territorial and control bodies are identified in order to establish the regulatory framework, which is indispensable for the subsequent design of the system.

  • Technical-legal assistance
    If changes or additions to the company documentation required by the OSH Consolidation Act and other legal texts referred to therein are necessary, SIGE can provide all the assi-stance required to achieve full legal compliance.

  • Preparation of system documentation
    Depending on the documented procedures already available, the list of procedural docu-ments required by the reference standard is defined. They are then processed, which is do-ne by tailoring each individual document to the customer's own specifications.

  • Start-up of the management system and staff training
    Documents are distributed and the management system is started up, at the same time pro-viding the necessary training for both management personnel and personnel involved in the management of all company processes that have an impact on occupational health and sa-fety.

  • Internal audit, general legal compliance activity and review support
    Business processes are subjected by SIGE consultants to the necessary audit and legal compliance assessment activities; the client is also supported in management review activi-ties.

  • Assistance during the certification phase
    Our consultants assist the customer through all stages of certification with the chosen body until certification is obtained, as well as providing the necessary support for certification re-newals in subsequent years.

Normative references:

  • UNI ISO 45001/2018 'Management systems for occupational health and safety - Requirements and guidance for use' (new international standard replacing OHSAS 18001:2007)

  • Article 30.5 Legislative Decree 81/2008
  • Uni-INAIL Guidelines of 28/9/2001

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